Telephone: 07 572 3344

The provision of quality affordable housing for all members of Ngā Pōtiki is a key strategy for Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust and our housing delivery entity, Manawa Community Housing Trust.

Manawa Community Housing Trust is a registered community housing provider, tasked specifically with providing housing solutions for our Ngā Pōtiki whānau.

Manawa Community Housing Trust delivers housing and housing services for Ngā Pōtiki in the Manawa subdivision in Pāpāmoa.

We live in one of the least affordable locations in the country in which to buy or rent a home.

We want our Ngā Pōtiki people to be able to continue living in their rohe, to be close to their whānau and marae,
to stay connected to their whenua. Therefore, we are working hard to create quality affordable housing options
here in Pāpāmoa that our people can afford to live in, that suit their needs and aspirations.

The Ngā Pōtiki Housing Strategy

Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust has created a housing strategy to deliver and build housing for Ngā Pōtiki whānau within Tauranga Moana.

This strategy has several components – social rental housing, affordable rental housing, kaumātua kāinga, and affordable home ownership.

The majority of housing solutions will be provided in Pāpāmoa and on land owned by Ngā Pōtiki or Ngā Pōtiki partners.

Papakāinga program

If you are interested in being supported into homeownership on Maori land through our program please contact the housing team by email or phone the housing team (07) 572 3344 .

You must be a registered member with a current Licence to Occupy . If you don’t have a Licence to Occupy we have downloadable templates below

Email completed forms to

Social Rental Housing

We currently manage six 3-bedroom rental homes in the Manawa subdivision, as social housing for whānau who are also registered on the Ministry of Social Development’s Housing Register.

We have vacancies from time to time, and whānau on our Ngā Pōtiki Housing Register will be contacted as vacancies come up.

These homes are suitable for whānau who receive a government benefit and who would be eligible for Kāinga Ora housing.

The criteria for our social rental housing reflects both Ngā Pōtiki and Government requirements: 

  • You must complete an expression of interest form online, or call into the office to complete one.

  • You must be a registered member of Ngā Pōtiki.

  • You must be on the Ministry of Social Development’s Housing Register (contact the ministry to do this). 

  • The Ministry of Social Development must confirm you are eligible for the type of housing that we have available (usually a family will be prioritised for a 3-bedroom home).

  • You must agree to the tenancy rules and requirements set out in our Manawa Community Housing Trust Tenancy Agreement.

  • You must attend education workshops for tenants and develop a whānau plan with our tenancy manager.

Affordable Rental Housing

We are constructing 2-bedroom, 3-bedroom, and 4-bedroom rental homes for working whānau. A total of 30 new rental homes are due to be completed by the end of 2024.

These affordable rentals are intended for working Ngā Pōtiki whānau, in stable employment. The priority is for families but we would also consider a group of working individuals flatting together, for example a group of working Ngā Pōtiki rangatahi who are still at home and cannot afford to leave the nest.

The rent will be calculated either as a percentage of household income, or as a percentage of what market rent would be. For example, 70 per cent of market rent.

These rentals will be less expensive than the general market.


The criteria for our affordable rental housing reflects both Ngā Pōtiki and Government requirements: 

  • You must complete an expression of interest form online, or call into the office to complete one.

  • You must be a registered member of Ngā Pōtiki.

  • You must attend education workshops for tenants and develop a whānau plan with our tenancy manager.

  • You must be in stable employment.

  • Your household income cannot be more than $130,000.

  • Your situation needs to suit the housing available, for example a couple in a 2-bedroom home, a family in a 3-bedroom or 4-bedroom home, etc.

  • You must agree to the tenancy rules and requirements set out in our Manawa Community Housing Trust Tenancy Agreement.

If you are interested in applying for Affordable Rentals please complete the two forms below and email PDF documents to

  1. Click here to download Expression of Interest Form for Rentals

  2. Click here to download Financial Analysis of Working Whanau 

Kaumātua Kāinga

We will be building 20 rentals in Manawa for Ngā Pōtiki kaumātua. These will be 2-bedroom units.

The construction of the kaumātua kāinga is currently in the design and planning phase.

Affordable Home Ownership

We are about to launch a long-term lease home ownership programme that will see Ngā Pōtiki whānau lease sites in the Manawa subdivision from Manawa Community Housing Trust (MCHT), and build their own homes on the sites using Westpac New Zealand mortgage finance and a repayable subsidy from MCHT.

Each whānau will co-own the lease and home with MCHT or its nominee, until the subsidy is repaid. Our overall goal is that the whānau will eventually own the home 100 per cent.

Westpac New Zealand is our partner and agrees to use the leasehold as security for whānau to raise a mortgage to build their home.

MCHT will offer a repayable subsidy, interest free, of up to $100,000 per whānau in this programme. This can assist with the home loan deposit, or top up the total amount that whānau need to afford the home.

This programme will suit working families, couples, or groups of individuals and related whānau (siblings, cousins) who are keen to get on the home ownership ladder and who can afford to repay a mortgage.

Often in these circumstances the mortgage repayments are less or equal to the rent whānau would be paying anyway for a similar home in the general market, so it’s worth checking out this option.

The criteria for our long-term lease home ownership programme includes:

  • Completing an expression of interest form online, or call into the office to complete one.

  • Ngā Pōtiki Registered member status.

  • Being 25 years of age or older.

  • Having stable employment earning no less than $60,000 gross per annum for a single person, and no more than $130,000 gross per annum for a couple.

  • Low debt.

  • Good credit rating.

  • First time home owner.

  • Obtaining a Westpac New Zealand mortgage.

  • Must be eligible for a MCHT subsidy. 

  • Signing up to the various agreements in the programme (a long-term lease and a relationship agreement).

  • Living in the house for three years before selling.

Click here to download the EOI form.

Four whanau have signed a leasehold agreement to build their own homes with the Manawa Community Housing Trust. Photo / Megan Wilson

Tenants Maintenance Requests

To ensure our properties remain in top condition for our whānau, we rely on our tenants to alert us to any repairs or maintenance needed as soon as possible. To make a request for property repairs or maintenance, click on the button, complete the form and submit.

For Tenants: Property Maintenance Request Form

Other Housing Services

Ngā Pōtiki can also provide general housing assistance and support. Contact our tenancy manager by emailing: